How to Respond to a Tender Invitation

This help topic is for Fuel Supplier Users offers suppliers a 14-day window to respond to tender invitations. We encourage prompt acceptance or decline of these invitations for efficient communication.

A reminder will be sent 7 days before the invitation expires, aiding in maintaining accurate contact details and keeping all parties promptly informed.

Accept Tender Invitation

  1. Navigate to the Tenders page, select tender and click Details.
  2. Review the Invitation information.
  3. Click on Accept tender invitation.
  4. Review access permissions for users in the Fuel Supply Team.
    Move users between these lists: "Users With Access to This Tender" and "Users Without Access to This Tender" as needed.
    Note: Additioanl team members can be added in the Manage Users section.
  5. Click on Confirm Tender Invitatation Acceptance to notify the airline.

Email notification will be sent to members of the Supply Team and the Airline Procurement Team who have access to this tender to confirm partication.

Decline Tender Invitation

  1. Navigate to the Tenders page, select tender and click Details.
  2. Review the Invitation information.
  3. Click on Decline tender invitation.
  4. Provide a reason for declining this tender invitation.
  5. Click on Confirm Tender Invitatation Decline to notify the airline.

Email notification will be sent to members of the Supply Team and the Airline Procurement Team who have access to this tender to decline this invitation.